Non-Invasive Diagnostic Test for Endometriosis

(Endotest + 2D/3D Pelvic Ultrasound)

1) What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the womb grows in other places, such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes. With endometriosis, the endometrial-like tissue acts as endometrial tissue would — it thickens, breaks down and bleeds with each menstrual cycle. But because this tissue has no way to exit your body, it becomes trapped. When endometriosis involves the ovaries, cysts and endometriomas may form. Surrounding tissue can become irritated, eventually developing scar tissue and adhesions — bands of fibrous tissue that can cause pelvic tissues and organs to stick to each other.

2) Symptoms of endometriosis

●        Painful periods 
●        Pain with intercourse. 
●        Pain with bowel movements or urination. 
●        Excessive bleeding. 
●        Infertility. 
●        Other signs and symptoms: -you may experience fatigue, diarrhoea, constipation, bloating or nausea, especially during menstrual periods.

3) What is Ziwig Endotest®?

This is a fast and non-invasive diagnostic test that was recently developed by a French company to fasten diagnosis of endometriosis using a small volume of saliva. This is done in a laboratory and the test relies on next-generation Sequencing of microRNA present in saliva and on the use of artificial intelligence to process the very large volume of data generated.

It has a reliability close to 100% (sensitivity of 97%, specificity of 100%, diagnostic accuracy (AUC) of 98%).  Ziwig Endotest® detects all types of endometriosis which  removes doubts in the most complex of cases. The quick diagnosis will enable  reducing the average time to diagnosis to a few days but also to improve the overall care of endometriosis. The Ziwig Endotest® is indicated for the diagnosis of endometriosis based on a miRNA signature, for female patients between the age of 18 and 43 years clinically suspected of endometriosis.

In its early stages, Ziwig Endotest® has been shown to be slightly superior in terms of performance, compared to all currently available diagnostic tools (laparoscopy, MRI, pelvic ultrasound).

4) How is the test done?

The Ziwig endotest is non-invasive and is a very patient-friendly and easy-to-use test. A prescriptive-use only device is used to collect a small volume of saliva under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

Who cannot use this test?

●     Pregnant patients
●     Patients with a history of Cancer and/or with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
●      Patients with an acute infectious disease status and/or a disease that can be transmitted via saliva
●     Patients with a gynaecological infection requiring surgical management.

5) At East Anglia Ultrasound services, we offer the Ziwig Endotest® together with  2D/3D transvaginal pelvis ultrasound

The  2D/3D transvaginal pelvis ultrasound helps to assess the extent of the endometriosis such as evidence of adenomyosis, endometriomas and other signs of deep infiltrating endometriosis which helps plan for laparoscopy if needed. If Ziwig Endotest® is negative, TVS is still useful  to rule out other possible causes of the symptoms including cysts, hydrosalpinx ,ovarian and /or adnexal masses.

6) Results

The Ziwig test results are out within 25 working days, the 2D/ 3D Pelvis ultrasound scan report is emailed on the same day.

7) Pricing

Ziwig endo test + 2D/3D pelvis Ultrasound = £990

For more information, recent research and publications about the Ziwig endotest visit main website link Science – Ziwig