Stem Cell BankingFuture Health Biobank

What are stem cells?

It is widely accepted that around 1 in 3 people will benefit from stem cell therapy during their lifetime.

Stem cells are unique from all other kinds of cells in the body. These special cells help us grow, develop and can heal illness and injury by regenerating into new and different types of cells

Why store stem cells?

  • 85 diseases treated

  • 1.000+ clinical trials

  • Privately stored stem cells guarantee a match

  • Chance of a match for immediate family

  • Immediately available if needed

Cord blood and tissue stem cells

As with all cells, stem cells deteriorate over time. Banking stem cells at birth provides not only assurance that the cells are of the best possible quality , but also gives an additional opportunity for the future. Both cord blood and cord tissue contain types of stem cells, each with their own unique properties and potential.

Cord blood stem cells are collected from the blood in the umbilical cord after the birth. HSCs are a specialised cell that can develop into all types of blood cells. The ability to develop into white blood cells is particularly important, as these cells make up our bodies essential immune systems. There are an array of diseases, such as leukaemia, anaemias and lymphomas, where the white blood cells in the body mutate or deplete causing life-threatening illness. By developing and regenerating white blood cells, stem cells can threat diseases in a less invasive way and more effectively than ever before.

Cord tissue stem cells are found in the tissue of the umbilical cord itself. These cells can be directed to transform and become specialised cells that are found in the body such as bone, cartilage tissue and muscle cells. This means MSCs have huge potential to treat a vast array of illness because they have the ability to regenerate areas and tissues that are malfunctioning using a range of mechanisms. Currently research is taking place into the treatment for common illnesses including autism, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

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Where to find more information?

Visit Future Health website:, e-mail or call on 01159 677 707


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